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Megazone Mt Wellington - Auckland's Largest Multi-level Lasertag Arena
Want to make a booking?
Phone 0800LASERTAG

Call us Now! 09 573 5333

or 0800 LASERTAG

Bookings are always recommended

Glow in the Dark Mini-Golf
Sign up to go in the monthly prize draw..!!


Monday - Thursday 4pm - 9pm
Friday 4pm - 10pm
Saturday 10am - 10pm
Sunday 10am - 6pm

School Holidays - 7 days*
*click here to view our current opening hours
Open all public holidays*
*except Christmas day - public holiday hours will vary

Available outside these hours for private
events by prior arrangement

Glow in the Dark Indoor Mini Golf course
Indoor Glow in the Dark Mini Golf

Glow in the Dark Mini-Golf

Come and try out our brand new Glow in the Dark Mini-golf. This is a 9 hole super cool mini-golf experience different to any other in Auckland.


$9 per person

Bookings are not essential for group sizes under 20 people.

Please give our friendly team a call if your group size is larger than this and we can book you in
Phone: 09 573 5333


Other actvities at Megazone Mt Wellington:

LasertagDodgemsLaserwebGames Arcade